Why is it so Hard to Lose Weight and Keep it Off?

What’s up with the Bungee Cord?

Are you sick of trying to lose weight and keep it off?  We are all intelligent people.  We know what to eat, and what is good for us.  So what the heck is the problem?  Why can’t we follow a system and stick with it?  These questions used to drive me crazy.

I compare it to a bungee cord tied around your waist.  You start a diet…..(start running with the bungee cord), stick to it for a few weeks……(keep running, but you start feeling the tension of the bungee cord), continue with the diet, and begin to see great results……(tension is getting more and more intense), slip up on your diet and eat those nachos……(snap!  That bungee cord flings you back with great force)!  Done….that dieting cycle is over.  You failed!

And so it goes……the cycle…over and over

There had to be something I was missing.  Anyone could look up a meal plan in 30 seconds on Google.  Chances are if they followed it, they would lose weight.  I think we can all agree on that.  So why is the weight loss industry the largest in the world?  If it’s truly that simple, then why are so many people struggling to lose weight and be healthy?  Why does the bungee cord always fling us backwards?

Not only are people struggling, but it causes major stress in their life…. even depression.

So why? I mean besides the obvious….. we love our junk food.  I’m well aware the reason we fail is because we resort back to our old habits.  Let me tell you something….this girl isn’t going the rest of her life without nachos and beer.  Hell, we all have our weaknesses!


Lucky for me, I figured out a few things that changed my bungee cord battle.  I know it works because I don’t feel that constant tug anymore.  Here are the 3 things that cut my bungee cord:


  • Learn what the right foods are to eat
  • Figure out how to eat that food 80%-90% of the time
  • Change the way I thought about food and eating (Yes, it is possible!)

In the next blog I will start to dive into these 3 areas…..they are life changing!  Subscribe to this blog so you don’t miss the amazing tips coming up!

If you would like more information please contact me at colleen@colleencommisso.com