What’s Your Mindset?

What’s your mindset?


Since becoming an entrepreneur, I’ve become somewhat obsessed with the question; “why do some succeed while others do not?”  This is a question without an easy answer.  Over the past few years I have watched many people take a shot and go after their goals. They have a plan to change their future.  If you asked how often I was right when predicting their success rate it would be embarrassingly low.  Many, whom I thought would easily reach their goals, didn’t even come close.  While those I may have counted out in the first round, dug in, and are doing great.


 I realized I was starting to analyze people subconsciously.  Truly, I wasn’t going around thinking about everyone I ran into, and where their life had led them.  Yet, I did at times ponder why some people took a leap towards something and totally rocked it.  Whether it was their career, health, personal life, travel goals, etc.  It could really be anything that someone is trying to improve or change in their life.  I started to notice something that I hadn’t paid attention to at first.  I used to be very confused because I would see someone who had everything going for them.  They appeared to have absolutely everything they needed to be extremely successful.  Yet, they would give up on their goal as soon as they had a setback.  I just couldn’t comprehend what the issue why.  I mean, didn’t’ they expect to have some setbacks along the way?

It finally hit me…….it’s not about how prep
ared you are, or how smart you are, or how badly you want it (well that does play a roll in it, but does not determine success), how much you need it, etc.  It is hands down, 100% mindset.  Yes, your mindset will absolutely determine your success.  Now let’s be realistic….there are a lot of other factors to take into account.  When going after a change in your life it absolutely has to be something you are passionate about.  You need to see value in making this shift in your life.  This has to be something that is worth everything to you.  Why so dramatic?  Well, you have to prepare your mind so you are in the right mindset to take on this challenge.
Listen, I’m not being a pessimist here.  I’m the biggest optimist out there!  I just want to be real with you.  When we make the decision to go for something we want, it is so exciting!  It’s also scary.  As it should be.  You are making a change and that is always unsettling.  Let’s be honest though, there is no better feeling than that excited yet anxious feeling.  You know why we love that feeling? It’s because we have hope!  Hope that things can be better for us!  So how does mindset play such an important role?  I am going to go into this a lot in the near future, but the biggest thing is this……..Know that excited and anxious feeling we have at the beginning will, yes will, get squashed along the way.  I guarantee it! No one who truly goes after their goals has a straight shot upwards.  You will have days that go up and you think, “Yes!! I’m on my way! This is totally going to work!”  And as soon as the next day, you may have a set back that has you questioning everything.  BUT…..if you know this going in, and have the right mindset, then you will be able to push through it.  You need to ride the upswings, all while knowing that you will have a setback along the way.  If you go in knowing this and completely accept it, then you are headed in the direction of success!  Congratulations! You are one step closer to reaching your goals!

2 thoughts on “What’s Your Mindset?

  1. I love this and you are so right! We must keep going and not let the downfalls stop us from going after our dreams. Thank you!

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