“Dazed and Confused Eating”…Do You Ever Eat and Not Even Realize It?

What did I just eat?

How many times have you found yourself eating a whole bag of chips without even realizing it? Probably more often then you care to admit.  Or you polish off a chocolate cake and don’t even remember taking one bite.  Yet there it is…gone!  I call this type of eating “dazed and confused”.  It is very simply; eating without thinking about it.

For those people that are constantly battling the weight game, they focus on every calorie they eat.  It’s true that there are times they may eat a whole chocolate cake and love every bite.  They are aware they may regret it after, but they sure as hell enjoy eating it.  So to eat 1,000 calories without even realizing it…that calls for a total meltdown.

This isn’t the type of eating that causes people to be extremely overweight.  We can thank emotional eating for that!  But, it is very frustrating when weight is an issue.  If we are going to eat irresponsibly we want to consciously make the choice that those extra calories are worth it.


This is an easy fix.  It goes back to the hunger scale (-2 means you have some slight physical feelings of hunger, +2 means you have eaten enough to subside that hunger).  When you are in a situation and you go to reach for food without thinking, STOP!  The more you use the hunger scale on a daily basis, the more natural it will become.  You will begin to stop and think every time you go to eat anything.  So this “dazed and confused” eating will quickly start to be a thing of the past.  You may start to eat without thinking, but all of a sudden you’ll find yourself asking, “Am I actually hungry? Why am I eating this?”

Once I started to practice using the hunger scale regularly, this type of eating was the first to go.  I was just more aware.  You’ll be surprised how often you eat in a “dazed and confused” state, but you will quickly begin to correct it.

I am currently taking on a few new clients. If you are interested please contact me at 315 569-5318 or colleen@colleencommisso.com

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