We ALL Need This Lesson

Lessons from a child

Which path will you choose?

I’m just speaking from the heart today! This is a story we can all learn from.

Remember the days when you were invincible? You had visions of what your life would be like and nothing could stop you.  Whether it was a rockstar, a doctor, a professional football player, a teacher, it didn’t matter.  You knew you would one day be that.  You would lay in bed at night and see it all so clearly.  You could feel the microphone in your hand, and see the crowd all throwing their hands in the air.  All for you!  You feel it….this is your future life.  Yes, this is it! This life is meant for you! It’s your destiny.

Soooo take a look in the mirror.  Are you there? Are you currently living that life you knew for certain was meant for you? Let’s be realistic…our dream for our future will most likely change throughout our life.  The problem is that somewhere along the way we lose the dream all together.  The majority of you reading this are realizing that where you are is nowhere near any of the dreams you’ve had for yourself.  I can’t pinpoint when we lose it, but it definitely happens.  Somewhere along the line we stop thinking about our dreams altogether.  We end up settled in a life.  It may be a wonderful life,
but we aren’t even sure how we got here.  I ended up in a wonderful life, with a family that is more amazing than anything I ever could have dreamt up.  I have recently found an inner awesomeness and strength that I didn’t know I had. Now that wonderful life is even better!  But this isn’t about me….it’s about what an unbelievable 10 year old taught me.  We can all learn from him!

Something Special

Let me paint the picture. From a young age, he was always worried about everyone being safe.  He’s always been that way.  Concerned about everyone else.  He is all heart! Always giving to someone else, before he took for himself.  Along with this he had a lot of self-doubt.  Never feeling like he was good enough.  It was quite the opposite.  He was great at everything he did.  He just didn’t realize it.  As his mother, I worried that he would lack the confidence to go after his dreams.  You see, like any good mother, I always told my children they could be whatever they want when they grow up.  I said it and I meant it, but I never truly thought about it when they said things like, “I want to be a veterinarian when I grow up”.  I’d tell them that of course they could be a veterinarian.  Or whatever their new found dream was that week.  But I never said it with conviction.  I believed it when I said it, but I don’t think I relayed that belief to my children.

One night we were out to dinner and it was quiet due to all of us stuffing our faces, HA!  My son turned to me and said, “Hey Mom, I’m going to be something special someday.
I’m not meant for the ordinary life.”  My heart melted! This from the child I was worried about not having confidence.  I turned to him and looked him right in the eyes and said, “I know you will be!” His response, “How do you know?”  I told him, “I know because you just said it.  All you have to do is believe it.  All I have to do is never let you forget it!”

I vowed from that moment on that I will NEVER let my children lose sight of their dreams……EVER!!  No matter how crazy or unrealistic they may be, I will let them know I believe in them 100%.  My other responsibility is to be the example for them.  I will go after whatever dreams I have.  I have to!  My children will doubt themselves along the way.  That’s part of life.  But they will know that they can push through and achieve anything because I led the way for them.  I encourage you to be your children’s example.  If you have an unfulfilled dream it’s not too late.  Go get it!!

Never Forget

I wasn’t kidding when I said I’d never let him forget he said that.  That day I knew I had to do something to constantly remind him.  His birthday was 3 months away.  I had time to think, lol.  With the help of a friend (I lack all creative genes) I made him a sign.  It was the first gift he opened and he loved it!  He admitted to me later that it was his favorite gift, and he would keep it forever.  That was saying a lot since he also got his phone he’s been begging for.  Along with some ot
her amazing gifts.

A week later I pushed the home button on his cell phone and got teary eyed when I saw he had taken a picture of his sign and made it his screen saver.  I knew then and there that I will instill this undying belief in all my children for the rest of my life!

Last Thoughts

This past weekend I gave a presentation to a room of almost 1,000 people.  I told the story of my son and wrapped it into the importance of always believing in ourselves.  I even put a picture of his sign on the big screen.  I was shocked at how many cell phones popped up to take a picture of it.  I knew then, that they were touched and inspired by him.  I was very nervous to tell my son that I had shared his story.  I thought he’d be really upset, but I wanted to be honest.  He asked me why I would do something like that.  I told him his belief in himself inspired a room of 1,000 adults.  He smiled and said, “That’s really cool, Mom.  That’s really cool…..I’m happy!”

Your inner child will never steer you wrong!  Following your dreams won’t always be easy, but will always be worth it!

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2 thoughts on “We ALL Need This Lesson

  1. I absolutely love this story. So inspiring especially from a 10 year old’s story. Thank you for sharing!

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