A Key Tool for Weight Loss…Are You Hungry?

Why we eat…

Next time you eat something I want you to stop and think…Am I hungry?  Am I bored? Am I stressed? Am I lonely? Am I frustrated?

Most likely your answer will be something other that “I am hungry”.  There is so much to this step that it will take us a couple of weeks to cover it all.

Let’s get started…

There are so many reasons why we eat.  We will really dive into those reasons coming up, but today I want to talk about how we can start taking steps to correct our eating habits today.

Am I hungry?

This question is so powerful!  Every time you go to grab something to eat, ask yourself that question.  The more you do it, the more you will answer yourself honestly, and dump that handful of chips back in the bag.  When you ask yourself this question, it forces you to pay attention to how you physically feel.  You may answer that no, you aren’t hungry, and choose to eat it anyway.  The key is that you will start to pay attention to it.  That is the focus for right now.

How hungry am I? The hunger scale..

This tool has changed everything for me!  When trying to lose weight I would love that really hungry feeling because I knew I was depriving myself food and therefore losing weight.  However, what usually followed was that starving feeling.  Without fail this would lead to major, mindless, binging. NOT a good strategy!

The hunger scale is a tool that will truly guide you as to when to eat.  Think of it as a scale that goes from -5 to 5.  A level of zero would be contentment.  You aren’t hungry or full, just content.  Negative 5 would be  starving. Positive 5 would be so full you feel stuffed and uncomfortable. You want to hang out in the -2 to 2 range.  Negative 2 would be when you start to physically feel some tinges of hunger.  This is the time to eat.  The key is to only eat until you get to a positive 2, not a positive 5.  Eat until you are satisfied and then stop!  If you can truly focus on this, you will notice huge changes right away!

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